A downloadable game for Windows

Epic MegaJam 2022 

Michael, a High School teacher with a live streaming/urban explorer hobby, discovers his recently deceased father and estranged uncle owned property across the United States, including an abandoned mine nearby. With summer break starting it’s the perfect time for Michael to learn more about his family history and get some exploring done. Little does he know that his family has secrets as deep as the mine he is about to enter.

This game is very much a tale of adventure. Yet below it weaves in the enduring love between a father and son, the burden of family and secrets, the bond and connection between a streamer and viewers, and the consequences of society's choices. Play as Michael as he livestreams the final mystery from his father.


This was designed and developed by a dad and his 9-year son who wanted to learn more about making games. This was our first project beyond learning Unreal practice. We also ran out of time to get everything we had planned done by the deadline. Overall it was a good experience. We do plan to at least spend time after the jam to produce what our vision was.


A complete list of assets used in this project, in accordance with the MegaJam Rules,  can be found in our design document (Storyline Spoilers): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ghJdCOUmHq77yXJ8DE6irua3Tw5r1SBV7Zbo6Fqb6s/...

Here is a link to the discord, which was just created on Sept. 1, 2022.



another-level-deeper-ep1 2.3 GB
Version 6 Sep 02, 2022

Install instructions

Should be able to download and run the Unreal Engine 5 executable.

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